To know

Das Swiss Water® Verfahren: Der sanfte Weg zu koffeinfreiem Kaffee

The Swiss Water® Process: The gentle way to dec...

Coffee is a daily pleasure for many people. But what do you do if you love the exciting aromas and full-bodied taste, but want to avoid caffeine? This is where...

The Swiss Water® Process: The gentle way to dec...

Coffee is a daily pleasure for many people. But what do you do if you love the exciting aromas and full-bodied taste, but want to avoid caffeine? This is where...

Kaffee-Extraktion: Der Schlüssel zu deinem perfekten Geschmack

Coffee Extraction: The Key to Your Perfect Taste

Extraction is the heart of coffee preparation. It describes the process in which water dissolves aromas, oils and other soluble components from the coffee grounds. The taste of your coffee...

Coffee Extraction: The Key to Your Perfect Taste

Extraction is the heart of coffee preparation. It describes the process in which water dissolves aromas, oils and other soluble components from the coffee grounds. The taste of your coffee...

Natural Process – Fruchtig und intensiv durch natürliche Trocknung

Natural Process – Fruity and intense through na...

What is the Natural Process? In the natural process, also known as dry processing , the coffee cherries are dried completely in the sun. Since the pulp remains on the...

Natural Process – Fruity and intense through na...

What is the Natural Process? In the natural process, also known as dry processing , the coffee cherries are dried completely in the sun. Since the pulp remains on the...

Honey Process – Süße und Balance durch die Mucilage

Honey Process – Sweetness and balance through m...

The Honey Process combines elements of the Natural and Washed methods. Here, the mucilage (fruit pulp) remains on the bean, allowing sugar and organic compounds to penetrate the bean during...

Honey Process – Sweetness and balance through m...

The Honey Process combines elements of the Natural and Washed methods. Here, the mucilage (fruit pulp) remains on the bean, allowing sugar and organic compounds to penetrate the bean during...

Washed Process – Klarer Geschmack durch präzise Reinigung

Washed Process – Clear taste through precise cl...

What is the Washed Process? The washed process , also known as wet processing , removes the pulp immediately after harvesting. This means that the bean is fermented directly and...

Washed Process – Clear taste through precise cl...

What is the Washed Process? The washed process , also known as wet processing , removes the pulp immediately after harvesting. This means that the bean is fermented directly and...